Daphne genkwa flowers in close-up
All images, text, and other content belong at any portion to this website:  seidelbast.net    Copyright © 2011-2017    All rights reserved         Impressum


Plants, Pictures, and Information

              - all about the Genus Daphne

Daphne - Seidelbast
Beautiful Plants for the
Charming Garden
Daphne taylorii, inflorescence

Acknowledgement for unique friends

For their help, have left me pictures, gave me advice and motivation or just to be as they are I am grateful to:

Hans Bauer (de)   Ger & Mariet van den Beuken (nl)   John Bieber  † (us) and the members of The Daphne Society Geert & Maria Borgonje (nl)   Ian Christie (uk)   Mike & Andree Connell (ca)   Leon & Anneke Doyen (nl)   

Lesley & Ken Gillanders (au)   Joann & Fred Knapp (us)   Fritz Kummert (at)   Dr. Cyril Lafong (uk)   

Herman Laporte (be)   Jozef Lemmens (be)   Eugen Schleipfer (de)   Harrie de Vries (nl)