Plants, Pictures, and Information
- all about the Genus Daphne
More and more plant enthusiasts working with Daphnes.
New Daphne hybrids and new selected Daphne varieties grow up in gardens and nurseries.
Here is the opportunity to make your new Daphne plant well known.
It is my intention to keep this Daphne hybrid list up to date. Maybe you have pictures or information for me?
Take a look at the - info - site, please.
sorted by daphne mother plants in alphabetical order
Daphne acutiloba x Daphne bholua
Daphne acutiloba x Daphne sericea 'Collina'
Daphne acutiloba x Daphne sureil
Daphne alpina x Daphne petraea
Daphne arbuscula x Daphne jasminea
Daphne arbuscula x Daphne petraea
Daphne bholua x Daphne jezoensis
Daphne bholua x Daphne wolongensis
Daphne blagayana x Daphne cneorum
Daphne blagayana x Daphne glomerata
Daphne X burkwoodii x Daphne cneorum
Daphne X burkwoodii x Daphne sericea ‘Collina’
Daphne X burkwoodii x Daphne tangutica
Daphne caucasica x Daphne cneorum
Daphne caucasica x Daphne petraea
Daphne caucasica x Daphne sericea ‘Collina’
Daphne caucasica x Daphne spec.
Daphne circassica x Daphne arbuscula
Daphne cneorum x Daphne arbuscula
Daphne cneorum x Daphne X medfordensis
Daphne cneorum x Daphne petraea
Daphne cneorum x Daphne sericea subsp. pseudosericea
Daphne cneorum x Daphne tangutica
Daphne jasminea x Daphne petraea
Daphne jezoensis x Daphne mezereum
Daphne jezoensis x Daphne spec.
Daphne julia(e) x Daphne giraldii
Daphne laureola subsp. philippi x Daphne cneorum
Daphne longilobata x Daphne cneorum
Daphne mezereum x Daphne laureola
Daphne odora x Daphne sericea ‘Collina’
Daphne petraea x Daphne arbuscula
Daphne petraea x Daphne X eschmanii
Daphne petraea x Daphne X hendersonii
Daphne petraea x Daphne jasminea
Daphne petraea x Daphne rodriguezii
Daphne petraea x Daphne sericea ‘Collina’
Daphne petraea x Daphne striata
Daphne rodriguezii x Daphne arbuscula
Daphne rodriguezii x Daphne sericea
Daphne sericea ‘Collina’ x Daphne arbuscula
Daphne sericea ‘Collina’ x Daphne cneorum
Daphne sericea ‘Collina’ x Daphne X rossetii
Daphne sericea ‘Collina’ x Daphne sericea
Daphne velenovskyi x Daphne petraea
Daphne velenovskyi x Daphne spec.