Plants, Pictures, and Information
- all about the Genus Daphne
comes from the Voronezh region - a steppe south of Moscow / ca. 0,2 m high / evergreen / scented / needs sunny places and lime / also a white flowering form is existing - Olga Bondareva 1 - link to another homepage
here is a link to another very nice collection of different Daphne julia(e) from Olga Bondareva 2, SRGC - link to another homepage
it seems that several forms of Daphne juliae are in cultivation and this makes it not easier to distinguish this species from Daphne cneorum
Daphne julia looks very similar to Daphne cneorum - the author Koso-Poljansky described Daphne julia(e) first as Daphne cneorum and eleven years later he changed the name into Daphne julia
Daphne x ‘In Paradise’ is the first hybrid with Daphne julia(e)
Left: Daphne julia(e) close-up of inflorescence
Below right: Daphne julia(e) rich flowering shrub
Daphne julia(e) starts flowering