Daphne genkwa flowers in close-up
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Daphne - Seidelbast
Beautiful Plants for the
Charming Garden

Daphne taylorii  Halda (2000)


grows in China Xizang ~SE-Tibet at altitudes up to 3800 m / between 0,3 and 0,5 m high / grows on shady places / evergreen / hardiness not tested /  in the greenhouse the flowering time is in February and March /


the calyx tubes are purplish outside, a special characteristic of Daphne taylorii is that the colour of the flower tube is present on the outside of two lobes, the other two lobes are on the outside pure white

Daphne taylorii, inflorescence, 'Taylor´s Seidelbast'
Daphne taylorii with the outside of the bi-coloured lobes, 'Taylor´s Seidelbast'
Daphne taylorii, inflorescence with the dark purplish flower tubes, 'Taylor´s Seidelbast'



Left: the outside of the bi- coloured lobes


Right: Daphne taylorii, inflorescence with the dark purplish flower tubes


Below: Daphne taylorii, inflorescence