Plants, Pictures, and Information
- all about the Genus Daphne
Hybrid Parents: Daphne petraea x Daphne sericea ‘Collina’
about 0,3 m tall and up to a half meter across / evergreen / scented / hardy but appreciates a little protection during winter
Daphne rollsdorfii / kazbali ‘Wilhelm Schacht’ is the reverse cross of the above mentioned parentage
1970 J.J. Halda raised the hybrid Daphne x kazbali ‘Jarda’, a plant similar to the well known ‘Wilhelm Schacht’ and ‘Arnold Cihlarz’ but smaller and not generally known / Daphne x rollsdorfii ‘Wilhelm Schacht’ and Daphne x rollsdorfii ‘Arnold Cihlarz’ were made be Fritz Kummert 1979
Although Daphne x kazbali was publicated first, Daphne x rollsdorfii is the commonly used name for these Daphne hybrids
Daphne x rollsdorfii / kazbali ‘Wilhelm Schacht’ shrub
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Daphne x rollsdorfii / kazbali ‘Wilhelm Schacht’ blossoms
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Daphne x rollsdorfii / kazbali ‘Arnold Cihlarz’ blossoms
Daphne x rollsdorfii / kazbali ‘Arnold Cihlarz’ shrub