Plants, Pictures, and Information
- all about the Genus Daphne
subsp. pseudosericea (Pobed.) Halda (1998) /
[Daphne woronowii Kolakovsky] - special form of Daphne sericea ssp. pseudosericea - the legendary ‘Blue Daphne’ - lilac flowering form, found in the mountains of Lake Riza, Abkhazia, Georgia /
[Daphne ‘Collina’, Dickson, 1792] is considered to be a garden form of Daphne sericea subsp. sericea - origin perhaps S-Italy - introduced around 1752
Subspecies sericea is distributed from Italy to Greece around the Mediterranean Sea / up to 1 m / evergreen / scented / on stony slopes, dry meadows / prefers limestone / Daphne sericea plants from S-Greece have the special characteristic that old flowers change their flower colour into yellow (Omalos form)
Subspecies circassica comes from Russia, W-Caucasus / 0,3 m tall and 0,5 m wide / flowers and leaves are less hairy / longer flower tube
Subspecies pseudosericea is native to W- Transcaucasus, Abkhazia / similar to the subspecies circassica / anthers not so visible- deeper into the flower throat / larger flowers
Hybrids with Daphne sericea are:
Daphne x ampla, Daphne x cupida, Daphne x hybrida, Daphne x juraseki, Daphne x kazbali [= Daphne x rollsdorfii],
Daphne x kummertii, Daphne x latymeri [=Daphne x lepida], Daphne x medfordensis [=Daphne x susannae], Daphne x napolitana,
Daphne x perfecta, Daphne x transatlantica, Daphne x goodsoniae ‘Hinton’, Daphne x ‘Rosy Wave’, Daphne x ‘Richards Choice’,
Daphne x ‘Silver Y’, Daphne x ’Zdenek Seibert’, Daphne x ‘Maisy Larae’ (Daphne sericea subsp.circassica x Daphne arbuscula),
Daphne sericea ‘Collina’ x D. sericea subsp. sericea, Daphne x ‘Alpengarten’ and the new three parent hybrid Daphne x ‘Red Pearl’
[name]~accepted name?
Daphne sericea 'Collina' shrub
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Daphne sericea 'Collina' garden form
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Daphne sericea 'Collina'
inflorescence close-up
Daphne sericea subsp. sericea shrub in Crete, Greece
Daphne sericea subsp. sericea inflorescence, Crete, Greece
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Daphne sericea subsp. sericea shrub, at Korkuteli, Turkey
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Daphne sericea subsp. sericea inflorescence, at Korkuteli, Turkey
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Daphne sericea subsp. sericea blossoms, turkish form
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Daphne sericea subsp. sericea fruit, turkish form
Daphne sericea subsp. sericea young shrub, turkish form
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Daphne sericea subsp. sericea, Crete, Greece
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Daphne sericea subsp. sericea, Idi Mts. Crete, Greece
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Daphne sericea subsp. sericea, inflorescence close-up
Omalos form- old flowers become yellow
Daphne sericea, cretan form