Plants, Pictures, and Information
- all about the Genus Daphne
Hybrid parents: Daphne laureola subsp. philippi x Daphne cneorum
natural hybrid found in the Pyrenees / up to 0,3 m high and about 0,4 m across / evergreen / hardy
found 1927 in the Pyrenees by Mr. Rosset, chief gardener of the Correvon nursery
some more clones of Daphne x rossetii were found during the years / in Germany there was a long time a clone in cultivation that did not flower (with a showy spiral leaf arrangement) / plants in the Netherlands from another clone are flowering freely
Daphne x ‘Alpengarten’ is a hybrid between Daphne sericea ‘Collina’ and Daphne x rossetii
flowering Daphne x rossetii in the Netherlands
Daphne x rossetii different clone in Germany, very shy flowering